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A difficult choice...']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (05/25/2022)',0,'We missed the road']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (06/01/2022)',0,'Party at the world\'s largest wine/jazz festival']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (06/04/2022)',0,'Sleep on the banks of the Danube to discover Budapest']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (06/12/2022)',0,'We become miners in the mines of Banska Stiavnica']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (06/18/2022)',0,'Who are the Growupontheroad?']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (06/25/2022)',0,'Sensational, we fly in a glider in Slovakia']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (07/02/2022)',0,'We repair a camping car with our all-terrain truck']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (07/09/2022)',0,'90% destroyed then rebuilt identically']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (07/19/2022)',0,'Autonomous in electricity, 12000W of power']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (07/21/2022)',0,'The amber road, our new discovery']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (08/01/2022)',0,'A typical day\'s routine']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (08/08/2022)',0,'We offer you a list of frequently asked questions']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (08/18/2022)',0,'We take the ferry to cross the sea from Estonia to Finland']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (08/27/2022)',0,'The path of our first 10,000 European km']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (09/03/2022)',0,'In Finnish Lapland, we make an extraordinary encounter']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (09/04/2022)',0,'We test the Finnish smoke sauna']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (09/18/2022)',0,'We try the North Cape in expedition vehicle...']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (10/08/2022)',0,'Our review of Norway']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (10/23/2022)',0,'Discovering a maelstrom in Norway']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (10/23/2022)',0,'Discovering Copenhagen']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (02/08/2023)',0,'A trip to the beach with our off-road truck']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (02/08/2023)',0,'We are considering changes in our travel plans']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (05/12/2023)',0,'Here it is at last !']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (06/04/2023)',0,'The new journey begins !']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (06/29/2023)',0,'A thousand and one wonders']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (06/29/2023)',0,'It\'s time for the match!']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (07/01/2023)',0,'Our most beautiful journey so far']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (09/17/2023)',0,'Budget for a year\'s trip around Europe']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (09/17/2023)',0,'We have to fix our van...']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (09/17/2023)',0,'A bird\'s eye view of our year on Europe\'s roads']]); ivalue[''] = ''; data.addRows([[,,' (10/20/2023)',0,'An exceptional experience in Georgia']]); ivalue[''] = ''; var options = { backgroundColor: {fill:'#FFFFFF',stroke:'#FFFFFF' ,strokeWidth:0 }, colorAxis: {minValue: 0, maxValue: 3, colors: ['#00BFFF','#00BFFF','#00BFFF','#00BFFF']}, legend: 'none', backgroundColor: {fill:'#FFFFFF',stroke:'#FFFFFF' ,strokeWidth:0 }, datalessRegionColor: '#EDEDED', displayMode: 'markers', enableRegionInteractivity: 'true', resolution: 'provinces', sizeAxis: {minValue: 1, maxValue:1,minSize:10, maxSize: 10}, region:'', keepAspectRatio: true, width:null, height:null, tooltip: {textStyle: {color: '#444444'}, trigger:'focus', isHtml: false} }; var chart = new google.visualization.GeoChart(document.getElementById('map_1638739781796'));, 'select', function() { var selection = chart.getSelection(); if (selection.length == 1) { var selectedRow = selection[0].row; var selectedRegion = data.getValue(selectedRow, 0); if(ivalue[selectedRegion] != '') { document.location = ivalue[selectedRegion]; } } }); chart.draw(data, options); }