On the way to the Belgian Sahara

Published on 02/02/2023 at 16:40

Once is not usual, well, a little bit during this trip! Because we didn't expect much from this country, Belgium, so we were surprised with some real gems. Maybe it's due to the fact that we are just neighbors or maybe we always believe that what is far from us is better than what we have next door, I don't know.

What I do know is that not having expected anything has allowed us to be happy with our stupidity, so we are surprised!

So, we park Sterne on the edge of the river which passes along the Sahara of Lommel! And there, first impression, the autumn frankly helps us to appreciate the spectacle because the colors passing from the yellow to the red give a striking beauty to the place.

And then, we put on our hiking boots to walk through this Sahara! It is about vast expanses of sand, in the middle of a forest with in bonus of the towers of observations of the birds. The paths are arrowed by colors with variable duration of course. We leave on the purple path just because Aélys likes purple;-)))

And it will be a nice walk indeed with sand, trees and beautiful colors! Nice stop near the border!