Une halte au lac de Constance

Published on 07/04/2023 at 17:01

The first few days on the road after this new start are not easy, as the rain accompanies us, and we discover that the weak point of our combi is life in the rain.

Closing and opening the tent in the rain, cooking outside in the spray, getting into the vehicle with wet clothes, and squeezing 4 of us into the van to change clothes is almost mission impossible...

So when we approached Lake Constance in these conditions, just when we'd really wanted to enjoy it a little and take a stroll along this must-see lake in Switzerland, we decided not to linger there, a little saddened of course. However, we have to be reasonable with ourselves: we're not prepared to put up with these conditions for much longer.

We'll see the lake from the van's closed, wet windows. There's no denying that the scenery remains magnificent!